Alocasia azlanii (Alocasia azlanii)

Alocasia azlanii Plant Features

There are many types of Alocasia available, and Alocasia azlanii is one of the most delightful. This small houseplant has been hard to find, but it starting to become more available. And that's a wonderful thing for anyone who wants to enjoy plants with purple leaves.

This type of Alocasia shows off lovely dark green leaves (which can appear nearly black) heavily infused with purple. When viewed in bright light, the purple may take on a metallic tone, and lavender-purple veins may become visible. This makes the plant a standout on its own or paired with other types of Alocasia (and other houseplants, too).

Alocasia azlanii is ideal for placement on bright desks or tabletops, as well as in large terrariums or display cases. Its relatively short stature (it only grows about 12 inches tall) makes it easy to enjoy just about anywhere. 

This plant is native to Brunei on the island of Borneo and wasn't described by botanists until 2016. Though it's relatively new to the houseplant world, it's become quite trendy!

Alocasia azlanii Growing Instructions

Light Needs for Alocasia azlanii
To keep this rare houseplant happy, grow it in a spot that receives medium to bright light. Not sure about how much that is? Check to see if the plant casts a medium or strong shadow throughout the day. (If not, give it more light.) While Alocasia azlanii enjoys bright light, it can survive in lower light conditions. Without bright light, though, it will not be as full or as lush.
Tip: It does not require natural light to thrive. It grows equally well with natural or artificial light sources.

Alocasia azlanii Water Needs
Like many other aroids (plants in the arum family, like Monstera and Philodendron), this houseplant is sensitive to overwatering. Ensure the top couple of inches of the potting mix dries to the touch before you water it. The leaves may turn yellow and drop prematurely if it dries out too much or is overwatered.

Alocasia azlanii Humidity Needs
This type of Alocasia enjoys above-average relative humidity levels. Happily, it tolerates average conditions, as well. If you want to boost relative humidity levels for your plant, group it with other houseplants, grow it in a large terrarium or display case.

Fertilizing Alocasia azlanii
Fertilize in spring and summer, if you wish, with a fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants. Just be sure to follow the directions on the product packaging. Never apply more fertilizer than the instructions recommend.

Pruning Alocasia azlanii
You shouldn't need to prune this plant except to remove any old or damaged leaves.

Note: This plant may have some natural degree of toxicity and may cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Additionally, exposure to the sap of this plant may cause discomfort to individuals with a sensitivity to it upon contact. Grown for ornamental purposes and not intended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Purifies the air

Complement your Alocasia azlanii

Raven® ZZ Plant
Raven® ZZ is another plant that has trendy purple-black foliage.

Get the goth look by growing Alocasia azlanii with Geo (Geogenanthus ciliatus).

Alocasia Corazon
Alocasia Corazon Aquino and Alocasia azlanii are lovely and contrasting plant partners that like the same growing conditions.


Is Alocasia azlanii grown from tissue culture?
Yes: Here at Costa Farms, we do propagate this type of Alocasia from tissue culture.