Instagram is like Candyland for plant lovers like me. It’s easy to open the app and get lost in a beautiful array of gorgeous houseplant pictures from around the world.
I’ve also found that Instagram is great for trend watching. One delightful developing trend I’m seeing is pink houseplants. It used to be that houseplants were primarily green. Most of the tried-and-true choices like snake plant, spider plant, pothos, and philodendron come in shades of rich green. Some varieties are variegated with shades of cream, yellow, or white and have extra appeal.
Now, houseplant lovers and interior decorators are embracing pink houseplants like never before. If this trend is for you, check out some of our favorites.

Colorful Aglaonema
Colorful Aglaonema tops the list because they’re so easy to grow. (If you're a beginner with indoor plants or haven't had much luck in the past, this one is the ideal place to start!) Enjoy them in high, medium, or low light. Water once a week or every couple. They’re fine and continue looking fabulous. The color depends on the variety. If you’re digging pink, look for types such as ‘Anyanmanee’ and ‘Pink Dalmatian’ that spot dark green leaves splashed and speckled in pink. 'Two Tone Moonstone' lends a lighter touch with its creamy leaves variegated with pink and green.

Fittonia, also called nerve plant, features pink, red, or white leaves variegated with green. These little beauties don’t mind a low-light spot. They also appreciate regular watering and wilt quickly, and somewhat dramatically, when dry. Happily, they perk back up just as fast. If you're new to watering, fittonias might be a good fit for you because they're so communicative the way they droop and bounce back with water. There are a variety of pink-variegated varieties to watch for, including ‘Pink Angel’ and ‘Mini Pink’. One of my favorites is ‘Frankie’ because the leaves are almost metallic pink. Not sure how to display them? Here's a hint: Fittonias look great and love growing in terrariums.

Polka Dot Plant
Red polka dot plant (Hypoestes) was one of the first colorful houseplants I ever grew. It also comes in white- and red-spotted varieties. The leaves are dotted in red, pink, or white, giving it a charming feel. Polka dot plant grows best in medium or bright light, but tolerates low light if you don’t mind trimming it now and again to keep it from getting leggy. It also thrives outdoors in a spot shielded from the hot summer sun, so you can enjoy this beauty on both sides of your favorite window. Like fittonia, polka dot plant thrives in a terrarium.
Tip: Polka dot plant, fittonia, and waffle plant all thrive in the same conditions -- and look great together!

Snow White Waffle Plant
Snow White waffle plant (Hemigraphis 'Snow White') can be a bit of a diva (she hates drying out, so don't let her wilt), so she’s not necessarily the best plant for beginners. But once you’ve had success with other houseplants, she’s worth adding to your collection of colorful plants. Her light green leaves are softly variegated in cream and pink, giving this humidity-loving plant a bit of an ethereal look. Snow White isn't the only waffle plant to watch for -- another variety, 'Belgian Waffle' sports creamy-yellow leaves variegated in pink and green.

Earth Star
Earth stars (Cryptanthus 'Pink Star') are adorable little bromeliads that have earned their name because the leaves radiate out in a star-like pattern. They do best in high light and like regular watering but tolerate low water, too, so you can basically treat them like a little succulent. ‘Pink Star’ features leaves broadly edged in pink. The more light you give it, the richer the pink will be and the more of it you’ll see.
Fun fact: Earth stars are close relatives of pineapples. While they're a little prettier, earth stars don't produce edible fruits.

Speaking of succulents, several varieties of Echeveria bear a pink cast. One of the best is the delightful variety ‘Perle Von Nurnberg’. Give these beauties as bright of a spot as you can indoors and water when the top couple of inches of the potting mix dries to the touch. Like most succulents, echeverias are fabulous by themselves, grouped with other low-water plants, and used in creative DIY projects such as living walls and home-made planters.

Though my all-time favorite kalanchoe variety is panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa), lovers of pink houseplants are sure to enjoy Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’. This sun-loving succulent shows off gray green leaves edged in creamy pink. It may be an ideal houseplant for you if you have a bright spot and tend to forget to water.
Written by Justin Hancock